Vasya Kolotusha – Quick Questions

All the way in Ukraine, Vasya Kolotusha is bringing the neon and iridescent heat. Learn a little bit more about his process and get to know the artist below!
H+ Creative:
Favorite medium or program?
Vasya Kolotusha:
The only program I use for my work at this moment is Photoshop, but I plan to do 3d work too
H+ Creative:
How long have you been creating?
Vasya Kolotusha:
I guess it's been about four years since I've started.
H+ Creative:
Creative tip / secret?
Vasya Kolotusha:
Ok, when you feel stuck with the new ideas (or even if you are not ) - gather all the old works you have in one folder, sit down and click trough all of them for a few times. You may be surprised with the fact where are you really heading with your work, it gives you a bigger picture of your art, a new point of view, and may recall the ideas that where a long time forgotten.