Coping with COVID-19: Q&A with Jason Ebeyer
Melbourne based artist Jason Ebeyer is known for creating hyper sexual glossy figures from our sci fi dreams. Diligently working from a home office, he blends elements of fashion and technology to produce surreal visions that are often shared on a global scale.
We’ve always admired his work ethic and creative consistency, so we thought we'd pick his brain and share some advice and best practices on how to keep a healthy sense of motivation in our newly isolated working worlds.

H+: We love a good home office. Tell us about your workspace!
J: It's really important for me to have a separate room where I can go and get into the mindset of "okay this is work time". My home studio setup is always changing and being rearranged.
Currently my setup consists of 2 desktops and a laptop.
One desktop is for everyday working and creating, this is linked to a 49 inch curved monitor. The other desktop is a beast and is essentially used as a renderbox. I also love having artwork around me which inspires me, so I have some prints framed around the studio by artists like Hajime Sorayama, James Jean and Mark Ryden.
H+: How does a daily practice of isolation and social distancing impact your working world?
J: For me personally it has probably increased my productivity with client work. I now have no excuse or reason to not be in the studio working on projects. On the flipside, it definitely has impacted my personal work, but it is also allowing a little time to spend on learning new programs and different skillsets.
H+: Now that we have limited access to nature and social settings, what do you do to exercise your brain and stay inspired?
J: I have been spending a lot of time connecting and reconnecting with other artists from around the world. It has been really refreshing to hear how all these people from around the world are going and what things are like where they are.
Also been putting time into upskilling and learning new and different programs.
H+: Have you discovered any hidden talents you can offer to potential clients looking for remote assistance?
J: For me personally, I've been much more available to clients during this period for things like calls. Over the past few weeks alone I've had so many phone calls with clients. It's been really refreshing actually hearing a voice on the other end rather than an email and it certainly helps both sides feel more comfortable about the project.
H+: This has been an overwhelming and stressful time for so many people. Can you share some advice for coping while being a creative?
J: Something I found is heaps of creatives are putting pressure on themselves at the moment thinking they NEED to be producing and sharing work.
You don't have to!!
Everyone needs a break sometimes and especially given how grim everything feels at the moment, its okay to take a sec to chill.
H+: Everyone needs a solid playlist to listen to while staying on task. Name your favorite music to work to!
J: I've been listening to a massive mash to be honest. Ethel Cain is on constant rotation and then I bounce between 2 of my Spotify daily mixes. One is pretty standard and chill like Orville Peck and Lana Del Rey and the other is abit heavier (lol) with Cradle of Filth and Slipknot.
A real mixed bag.
You can see more of Jason's work by giving him a follow at @jasonebeyer