At H+ Creative, we're keen on introducing new grounds and artistic space sourced by the work of our talented artists. Based in Scotland, BILLELIS is a freelance 3D Illustrator & Art Director, known for his dismal nature in dark visuals and decorative art. His particularly shadowy style welcomes the audience to explore the intricate detailing of his work, while being submerged in bright bold contrasting environments. Here's several words we shared with Billelis in this edition of Q&A with H+:

H+: A general theme of your work consists of ancient statues, skeletons, and darker themes. Tell us a little bit about where this concept stems from.
B: I feel it’s from over exposure to religious iconography alongside the Greek art heritage of sculptures has been fused into my brain. I love everything about it and the history and the classic artistry has helped my style evolve. There are so many amazing digital artists out there that can envision the future of the art where I like to linger in elements of the past with my own dark twist. Macabre subjects are macabre because we have created those annotations. I try to show beauty in darkness.

H+: You have worked with an impressive clientele over the years. Which client would you consider provided the most satisfying experience as an artist?
I would have to say doing the keg art for John Wick 3, and work for Gears of War and Xbox are my highest achievements, so far ;) both of these projects were amazing because I was given full creative freedom to do what I froth over. As an artist I feel it’s important for clients to let the artist do what they are good at without hand holding. Then we give our best self and ultimately you get the best result from us.

H+: Hailing from Edinburgh, how would you say where you are from influences your artwork?
I’m a good old mix of cultures. Half greek, half English living in Scotland haha, the greek part of me has really influenced my work due to orthodox religion and the great greek sculptures but then you turn up in Edinburgh and Scotland in general and you are met with gothic architecture, dark and moody places, amazing museums and the history of the Scots. Scotland is simply incredible, powerful, inspiring, gothic, savage at points with a huge touch of pride and elegance in others.

H+: Remembering back when you first began creating art, what is the self-talk or guidance that led you to pursue the career you currently have?
I was just a digital art geek. I was in forums with online pals. It was a thing we all did and now it just happens because of social media. My main motto if you must is “do the fucking thing!” Just make the art for yourself. Keep doing it because it’s fun. Keep treating it as a hobby at times so you stay true to the magic of artistic fun. Yes I’m very switched on when it comes to business and clients etc but the beauty of personal artwork is just that. It’s for me so learn to enjoy creating.

H+: What is your workflow like? In what order or how do you use the softwares you prefer to bring something of your imagination to life?
Depends but for a big illustration I will start with a very rough photo bash. I can’t sketch for shit as I feel my hand becomes its own thing when I touch a pencil but if it’s a tablet stylus I’m fine, weird I know. After the photobash is nice and I know what I’m doing I will probably block it out in cinema 4D and jump back and forth with zbrush for any sculptural work. Then use an old illustration as a base scene for colour, light and mood and tweak accordingly. Once the render is all looking mighty fine I use camera raw in photoshop or Lightroom for grading and setting some mood. Then finish off with some blend brushes and effects to give it more of a painting feel. And we done :)

For more information of BILLELIS: Visit his website and follow him on socials!