Blake Kathryn Partners Up with Adobe Creavity Tour for Lady Gaga's 'Rain on Me'

H+ Artist Blake Kathryn partners up with Adobe Creativity Tour to kick start the contest for Lady Gaga's 'Rain on Me' poster design. Creatives will have an oppurtunity to demonstrate their ability for a chance to have their artwork used as the poster cover for Lady Gaga's 'Rain on Me.' Grand prize winners will receive $10,000, a autographed poster of their own artwork by Lady Gaga, and a 12-month subscription to the Creative Cloud.

For this challenge, Blake, in her elegant fashion, modeled Lady Gaga in a soft, yet sharp style. The render features Gaga in a sweet pink, yet android-esque nature, equipped with shoulder spikes and a jester like cover. Blake, no novice is the fashion and makeup world, highlights the Gaga's extended finger nails and plated face accessories in substitute to makeup.

For more information on Blake Kathryn, visit her website and follow her on socials!