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Alex Valentina on his Solo Exhibition & Q&A!

Alex Valentina is a visual artist and designer whose work bridges nature and creativity, analog and digital. Their practice blends 3D art with real photography, creating a universe of liquid synaesthesias and enchanting creatures. Now based in Milan after time in London and Norway, Valentina explores the expressive possibilities of digital and physical elements, likening this creative process to unleashing a superpower.

H+: You have an upcoming exhibition! Did you want to tell us more about that?

ALEX: The exhibition will be in Ibiza at the In-Between Gallery. They reached out to me in November, and initially, I was a bit skeptical. But after seeing the venue, which is the opposite of where I’d imagine showcasing my work, I was so convinced.

It’s kind of an old empty apartment in Ibiza’s historic center, 100% Mediterranean vibe. It contrasts a bit with my super digital style, but at the same time, I saw more intimacy (something very important for me) and authenticity there compared to the more sterile galleries in big cities. I thought, if this is going to be my first solo exhibition, it’s better to do it away from the usual creative dynamics of major cities. And since I have a soft spot for islands, I figured, "Why not?" Sometimes contrasts create more authenticity than things that are too aligned.

The exhibition will open on April 10 and run for two months, showcasing around twenty pieces. I’ll also be launching a book at the opening.

H+: Was there a distinct "Ah-Ha!" moment for you that made you go all in on your style? When?

ALEX: Perhaps the "Ah-Ha!" moments I remember most vividly were when I discovered, around 2017, that I could apply 3D extrusion to my early typographic experiments using Photoshop.

Another similar "Ah-Ha!" came when I realized that many of the things I envisioned didn’t need to be recreated in 3D in a more realistic way—I could just photograph them and make them even more real. So I bought a camera and fell in love with strong post-production.

I’m still trying to figure out if this whole AI world could become another "Ah-Ha!" moment. Probably not, but let’s see.

H+: What were some of your earliest inspirations that contributed to the artwork you create today?

ALEX: All the natural and typographic references probably come from my love for old scientific books. I collect quite a lot of them. And if I have to be 100% honest, I also have to admit that the deep dives I used to take on early Tumblr when I was younger inevitably soaked into my aesthetic quite a bit.

H+: You've worked with some impressive brands, from Vogue to Apple and BMW—what have been some of the highlights of your creative career so far?

ALEX: Contrary to what one might think, from my experience, big brands are actually the ones that give you the most creative freedom. Probably because they trust your vision the most. Also, one thing I really like is that the workflow management is always relaxing because it’s super structured—no surprises. There are no unexpected twists to deal with, and this kind of tranquility is something I appreciate because it allows me to focus 100% on the purely creative side.

H+: Do you have any recent projects or exciting releases that you wanted to mention?

ALEX: Lately, thanks to the research I’ve been doing for the exhibition, I’ve spent a lot of time expanding my creative language, using new tools and ideas to avoid repeating myself. In addition to all the new pieces I’ll be presenting at the exhibition, I’m also working on a small narrative book that I’ve written, which will also be unveiled at the exhibition. It will be a collection of thoughts, visions, and stories of mine.

I wanted to create an intimate object that could be a written extension of what I typically create for the eyes. It’s a good way to blend my more editorial/graphic/baroque side with my more pop mainstream side. No big coffee table book vibe, but a small reading book with strange visual inserts.

I’ve always been fascinated by seeing what comes from translating the same creative vision across very different worlds. Observing how a creative tool can lead to both evolution and divergence—sometimes enriching, sometimes stripping down—but if done right, I believe it acts as a mirror for the artist. When you’re forced to translate your creativity into other disciplines, you’re compelled to describe yourself using different words and measures, which helps you understand who you are and the shape you have more clearly. Doing something different, even something you’re not very skilled at, helps take you out of your comfort zone, break creative habits, and (sometimes) grow. It helps cleanse and leave behind what’s not essential.

H+: How about your dream client? Any clients to manifest & put into the universe?

ALEX: Some more clients from the fashion world would be nice. Also, since my work almost always stays in digital format, I’d love to work on projects that also involve some kind of more tangible realization in the real world, like space setups or installations.

H+: What type of work are you most interested in taking on, now & in the future?

ALEX: Lately, I’ve leaned toward taking on bigger projects, as they often involve more complete, all-encompassing work. These clients typically seek not just a single deliverable but my full creative perspective.

H+: Do you have any specific goals for 2025?

ALEX: I’d like to continue working with great clients and further open myself up to the art world, which I’m already doing. I want to expand the range of outputs I can create by learning to experiment with more new tools and narratives to gain even more creative freedom. Specializing is important, but it can also become a cage at times. So I hope to keep evolving while always remembering to take it slow and that we’re not saving lives here :) I’m so lucky to be able to do this.


For more information on Alex Valentina, visit his portfolio page!



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