MBSJQ is a digital artist based in United Kingdom. Known for his obsession of vibrant colors, outer space & surrealism. He focuses his art on creating progressive, compelling and futuristic compositions.
H+: What are the best parts of your days?
MSBJQ: Very early in the morning. I like to feel I am winning by being up before anyone else.

H+: How have your past experiences (creative or otherwise) shaped you into the current artist you are?
MSBJQ: Very much so. Have learned to value myself much more and enjoy creative, as opposed to being told what to do.
H+: Describe your work in 3 words.
MSBJQ: Engaging. Vibrant. Unique.

H+: You showcase a mix of Graphic Design and 3D work in your portfolios, can you talk about the mix of these 2 mediums or approaches?
MSBJQ: With 20+ years Graphic Design experience, I got to a stage where I wanted to develop further into new dimensions and have more freedom with creativity and art direction.
H+: What encouraged you to start your own studio?
MSBJQ: Freedom. And to have a better work / life balance and appreciate every second of my daughter growing up.

H+: Which projects have you worked are you especially proud of?
MSBJQ: I really the Tommy X Nadal project.
H+: Do you have any dream client's you'd love to work with?
MSBJQ: Yes. Too many. Nike. Porsche. F1. BMW. Music Artists. Red Bull. Smirnoff. Coca Cola

H+: How do you spend your time when you're not in front of the computer?
MSBJQ: With my beautiful 5 year old daughter, Boo. (AKA Creative Direct of mbsjq)

H+: Vices? Beverage of choice? Guilty pleasures?
MSBJQ: Been known to enjoy a vodka or 2 whilst creating art. Helps me escape reality.