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Render Fruit is a digital 3D artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her art was exhibited at The Times Square, the Denver Clock Tower and she has a permanent collection at the Brooklyn Museum of Moving Images (MoMI). Driven by inner thoughts and influenced by music, her art can be eerie, eclectic, multi-layered and surrealistic.

H+: What are some projects you have in store for the future or would like to start?

RENDERFRUIT: I'd really like to keep working on visuals for live shows, I'm like a fish in the water there. For example, I'm currently working on covering the visuals for a 24 song live performance and I have only 2 weeks to do it, really like that adrenaline.

And also, I'm really open and curious to see where the NFT world wants me next. My experience so far has been so good! I wish I had more time to be more active on socials and connect!! Everything is happening too fast. I'm quite open to collaborating with other artists! I love the concept and think the movement is naturally leading us to do that.

H+: How has your experience with NFTs been? Is there anything you would change about it?

RENDERFRUIT: I’ve always been making personal pieces in parallel to client work. The way the new Crypto Art wave treats the artists in terms of economy seems very fair, since we get paid for personal artworks and that gives us a new way of freedom! On the other side, I think we need more diverse collectors to keep it decentralized.

H+: Your work gives off sci-fi dreamy, yet dystopian vibes. Where do these concepts originate from?

RENDERFRUIT: I feel dreams are part of an unpredictable, rich and huge world. I hardly remember my dreams, but the ones I do remember are so meaningful that marked me forever. I love that they show information of a personal eeriness that is somehow stored on my neurons. Definitely not being scientific here :)

H+: Did you always know you wanted to be an professional artist?

RENDERFRUIT: I love the creative potential the alliance between human and computer has. I’ve always been in need of creating things and expanding myself. As a child, I would write things on an old typing machine and then draw on top of it or paste image cuts from magazines. So as soon as I grew up I worked to have a computer. I had no doubt that was the best creative tool for me, because it has so many possibilities and combinations.

H+: Who are some dream clients you wish to work with?


H+: Tell us about your experience with VR. Is it something you would like to further develop?

RENDERFRUIT: YES. I'd really like to work with groups and develop more VR interactive experiences, I find the concept of immersion fascinating! and so relatable with my work.

H+: What would be your advice to young or new artists who want to take up digital art as a career?

RENDERFRUIT: Learn tools and dig inside yourselves. Try to force the tools to serve your own ideas and don’t let social network’s trends influence your work.

For more information on RENDER FRUIT, visit her artist page!



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