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Paulina Almira Illustrates the Future of Food for Fast Company

Paulina Almira's vibrant illustrations bring the concept of lab-grown meat to life in Fast Company magazine through her signature 80s-inspired airbrush aesthetic.

Her dreamlike compositions feature elegant birds in ornate cages juxtaposed with scientific laboratory vessels, alongside sumptuous dining scenes with delicately plated laboratory-grown cuisine. Using a rich palette of corals, teals, and pinks rendered in smooth gradients with sophisticated reflective highlights, Almira masterfully balances the tension between natural and synthetic, traditional and futuristic.

These illustrations accompany Fast Company's exploration of Australian biotech startup Vow's pioneering work in cultivated meat technology. Almira's distinctive visual approach transforms complex biotechnology concepts into thought-provoking imagery that perfectly aligns with the publication's design-forward approach to business innovation.

Paulina's work appears in Fast Company's print and digital platforms, enhancing the magazine's reputation for cutting-edge visual storytelling in the business, technology, and design sectors.

For more information on Paulina Almira, visit her portfolio page!



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