UON Visuals - Q&A for Sphere Las Vegas

UON Visuals is a 3D artist based in Vancouver, BC, known for pushing the boundaries of technology to create ultra-vivid, mind-bending visual experiences. Using math formulas and code, he crafts intricate animated patterns and dynamic color spectrums that engage the senses in ways beyond ordinary perception. Far from minimalist, his art is a stimulating overload of complex visuals—captivating, intense, and filled with mathematical beauty. As technology evolves, so does his work. His goal is to harness new technologies to their fullest, creating unparalleled visual experiences that break conventional boundaries.

H+: Mike, what was it like to see your artwork on Sphere, and what did the experience mean to you?
UON: There are no words to describe it. The maximum limit of joy and accomplishment I thought possible to feel was smashed through. It was surreal pulling up to Sphere for the first time, it looks so much better in real life than through a screen and I was already forgetting to blink in amazement... then MY WORK CAME ON AND I FLIPPED OUT IN THE HAPPIEST WAY POSSIBLE. I love watching technology evolve and using it to make art, to see it on the most advanced display ever caused an overload of emotion! "I DID IT!" H+: What were some of your inspirations that lead you to creating the mesmerizing visuals & artwork that you're so known for?
UON: From childhood, video games. I was mind-blown every time a new game console released with better graphics. I had a super nintendo that had the ability to rotate its graphics, I could stare at those big chunky pixels rearrange themselves in beautiful mathematical patterns all day! Watching special effects in movies get more realistic, as media moved from VHS to DVD and blu-ray I was just an excited bystander watching it happen. What really got me to start teaching myself animation was a psychedelic experience where I saw complex visuals in my mind transform in impossible ways! I really wanted to show everyone what kinds of beautiful geometry I witnessed.
H+: On a technical level, your artwork is perfectly designed for Sphere. What inspired you to begin working in full 360 formats to begin with?
UON: Around the time VR headsets were making a comeback, I wanted to make a fully immersive world to look around in. The software I was using at the time didn't support it, I had to find workarounds with buggy plugins combining cameras! Eventually software adopted 360 cameras so it was much easier, when I got the rendering power I just started rendering everything in 360. It allows you to do so much more with the rendered files like camera work and crazy warping effects!
H+: What are three core words to describe your artwork displaying on Sphere?

H+: In your opinion, what is the most challenging aspect of working on a 360 Canvas, at Sphere's scale?
UON: The scale fit perfectly, the designs look so good that big! The challenge was that because they're on the exterior, it's almost like an inside-out view of a 360 camera so I had to make sure they still looked coherent displayed that way. I did design an inverted 360 camera system to show the outsides of scenes to map them spherically, but didn't have time to test it! Would love to experiment with that in the future, there's some pretty cool effects I can dream up!
H+: What advice would you give to aspiring artists or designers following your journey?
UON: Don't give up! Keep making stuff and keep learning. Today's social media algorithms are trash for artists, there were long periods where I was spending so much time making animations that barely anyone saw. I almost gave up several times, but kept going because I was also making art for myself to enjoy. Also, try to aim for something that's uniquely you, if anyone would see it who know your style they definitely know it's yours!

H+: What would you say to your younger self, if he could see this moment?
UON: All that work is worth it kiddo, PUSH THOSE LIMITS
H+: What do you hope viewers experience when viewing your artwork?
UON: That same sense of stimulating calm I get when watching them myself. And an inspiration to put more beauty out in the world!

For more information on Uon Visuals, visit his portfolio page!