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CREATIVES: Brellias, George Baramatis, Nickeays, Subholland, Vincent Viriot
ROLE: 3D Animation, Visuals

CLIENT: Tchami

PRODUCER: H+ Creative

Future House Producer Tchami, known for his priest persona, comes full force with a brand new set of church-themed visuals created by the artists at H+ Creative. Brellias, George Baramatis, Subholland, & Vincent Viriot were responsible for creating the animations used for Tchami's 2022 Coachella Set. With each artist contributing their unique style and technique, this is a set you won't want to miss out on!

Nickeays shows off his versatility and lighting skills by creating environments in both historical and futuristic fashion. The scenes transition from a medieval church to a lively observatory as fog drifts and stars shoot.

Brellias transcends us to a space dome, covered in healthy greenery, taking us through deep rhythmic beats as stars shoot.

George Baramatis shows off his love for contrast and color, showing off the party scene in Space Rome. As geometric objects fly throughout the sky, the lighting rotates showing every detail of Baramatis' environment.

Subholland demonstrates his expertise in working with large scenes with his divine sanctuary and grim galaxy environments. Each scene is filled with eye candy of animations, with space moving and orbs fluctuating. 

A veteran in the game, Vincent Viriot, proves he's still king with his insane geometric animations. The perfect looping scenes are going to keep those in the crowd dazed by the elegance of Viriot's work.



George Baramatis


Vincent Viriot


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